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Office and School Supplies Wholesale: B2B Platform Globy

Κατηγορία: Ελλάδα και Κόσμος - 20/01/2025 00:18:12

From time to time, the demand for school supplies increases and this is most often associated with the beginning of a new academic semester. Students need pens, pencils, notebooks, rulers, compasses, and so on. Most often, customers purchase such products in land-based stores but remote ordering through the B2C store is also possible. If you are an entrepreneur and want to make money by reselling and distributing stationery, then a B2B marketplace is best suited for you. There, you can purchase the product you are interested in in bulk. For instance, you can try Globy, which offers a large selection of office supplies from Asian manufacturers.

In recent years, the following trend has formed: it has become profitable to purchase notebooks in China, Singapore, and South Korea due to low prices and high-quality paper and printing. On Globy, you can find logistics services and find out how much it will cost to ship to South America, the United States, and Europe. In addition, you have the opportunity to register on Globy as a trader and resell goods at a higher price. In this article, we discuss the benefits of B2B platforms, as well as talk about the most relevant office products for today.

How to Start Trading on B2B

It's very simple to start: first of all, you need to go through a simple registration indicating your profession. You must be a representative of a legal entity since individuals cannot make orders via the B2B platform. You would enter your company's details into the form without distorting the data and specify your contact information. After registration, you would open the catalog and familiarize yourself with the assortment. You can go to the "Office & School Supplies" section and select the desired product. If you have not found what you need, then leave a “Product request" and wait for a response from the suppliers.Â

The following are the main advantages of working with Globy:

  • quick registration via Google and LinkedIn
  • wide range of office supplies and equipment
  • no commissions when making deals
  • possibility of cooperation with Asian manufacturers
  • convenient website.

It should be remembered that on the B2B platform, you can find a lot of products created for educational purposes. These are educational toys, textbooks, globes, posters, specialized educational tools, blackboards, markers, crayons, and much more. All this is necessary for the equipment of a modern office. Presentations play an important role, so projectors and screens are in demand. You should know that office supplies are split between two categories: standard (for ordinary employees) and prestige (for high-ranking officials). The chief's office should be equipped accordingly: leather and natural wood products that go with prestigious and attractive interior design.

Ordering a Batch of Office Supplies

It is convenient that on the B2B marketplace, you can find stationery of any type. Thus, you can equip all the company's premises: engineers' offices, presentation rooms, the boss's office, and so on. You should remember that when ordering a large batch, the price is reduced. To find out the minimum batch size, you need to open the product card, find out the vendor's contact info, and contact them. After that, you can find out the price and ask a question about delivery. Some suppliers recommend shipping companies but you can contact the charterer yourself and get the best price.Â

Buyers should be sure to check the shipment upon receipt. Paper goods must be carefully sealed, and packaging quality is of great importance. If you find damage to the goods or non-compliance with the declared characteristics, you can refuse the cargo, explaining the reason. If you have ordered fragile items, then the container must be marked accordingly. It is recommended to enter into contracts only with well-known and reputable suppliers. On Globy, you can find everything you need for office equipment on the marketplace. We recommend considering suppliers from Asia (China, India, Vietnam, and Japan) to get the best prices.

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